Kakaomundo is a chocolate company, that provides a data-fueled social marketing platform that traces the cocoa product’s life cycle from “farm to bar” and supports and collaborates with cocoa farmers. Using technology, we provide tools to cocoa farmers to help improve the quality of cocoa. Our goal is to work together with small agricultural business like cocoa farmers to help them maintain top quality standards and processes and be able to get a fair price for their produce.

We provide tools to our network of farmers in order to capture important data during the fermentation and drying process to ensure the best quality control and best flavors in the cocoa beans.

Origin & Traceability
KakaoMundo aims at having 100% of their cocoa lots fully traceable and with transparent data throughout the process of production in cocoa producing countries. We work together with our farmers to record data during important steps of the cocoa lifecycle to ensure a full transparency for the end consumers.

Social & Environmental
We want to create a more sustainable model where farmers not only get a fair price for their cocoa but also where they can also benefits from the good will of chocolate consumers that will participate to the realization of projects via scanning our chocolate QR code packaging and voting for a project.